A Key Element I have realized over the years that forgiveness is a key element in staying healthy and happy. It’s important to be able to forgive and move on. It is healing for the soul!   Life is so short. It passes with a blink of an eye. Why waste one minute of it being angry at someone and not letting the past go. I stress this to my loved ones all the time. My belief is that we were put here to learn unconditional love and to learn from our mistakes.  I believe people are placed in our lives to help us learn these lessons or to help us…


    Tinseltown, a By-Gone Era

    Here are a few words to describe how I feel the second I step off our airplane in Bob Hope Airport Burbank; I’m in Tinseltown.  Beauty,  health conscious, diverse, eclectic, vibrant, mountainous, fast paced… did I mention beauty? It’s not just the landscape I am speaking of. The city seems to buzz with the ghosts of beautiful actresses and actors. Faster Pace Louisville, Kentucky it is not!  The slow paced lifestyle that I am used to does not exist here. Leave slow behind. The traffic is exactly like the photos and videos show and the lifestyles seem to be at a much faster pace than what we southerners are accustomed…


    Great Book Suggestions

    This isn’t a post about current top ten books or the best new books on the shelves. It’s about things I have read in the past that helped me in some way, whether it was to transform me to another place and help me forget the problems I was having in real life, or to help me get through those real life issues, or to just be entertained. There are a few books from my past summer reads that really helped me with my self worth and my female empowerment as well as during my spiritual searching.   A few of them were so powerful that I long to read them…

  • Aging Gracefully

    Menopause, To Replace or Not to Replace

    Almost to the day of turning 50 I went through menopause. Like I said in an earlier post, I wanted to do this naturally, without having to be on medication.  I thought that natural was the best.  I am slowly learning that it is a choice that each individual should make on their own. But for me, doing it naturally was not the best.  At first I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong.  I had survived the night sweats and the daily bouts of bursting into flames from the inside-out.  And I was proud of myself for experiencing this phase of my life.  In one of my favorite books,…


    The Creative Spark

    The creative spark inside me is growing. It’s been 9 years since my divorce. Nine years since I’ve stepped into the art studio that I shared with my ex. I need my creative space!  I need a studio where I can go to put my hands in clay or to paint. Here is my checklist that I have already started following in order to create this space for myself: Get my tools back from the old studio  –  (My ex husband was very sweet and saved all of my tools for me. He knew I would be there to get them one day)   Purchase clay so that I am…


    The Breaking Point

    There were a few events that led to my moment of awakening. Signs of emotional abuse are easy to ignore or dismiss. A black eye or broken arm can awaken the point of walking away but how do you know when enough is enough after subtle emotional digs, over and over? When is the point where you say enough is enough? We start thinking that something isn’t right, but our minds go straight to only the good times. When we start thinking we are gaining the courage to really look at what is happening, floods of memories pour into us and blind us to the truth. Silent Treatments are Abuse…


    Therapy and How a Woman Named Mary Helped Me

    She lived in a small cottage in Crescent Hill with a white picket fence. I walked through the front door into her living room and knew instantly that I was in the right place. Mary was tall and thin with long white hair. My new therapist had the natural look of a woman who felt comfortable in her own skin. Views: 801

  • Aging Gracefully

    Amazing On The Face

    There are days where I need relief from stress. I am over 50 and when I look in the mirror… I LOOK over 50!  My face has been seeing signs of bags under my eyes and the feeling of sagging in my face.  How can I  do something to slow the process down if possible?  I found this amazing Kanza Wand on Amazon and thought I would try it.  Couldn’t hurt, right? This product is really awesome.  It seems to help soothe my skin as well as eliminates the puffiness under my eyes.  They sent me an all natural face oil that went with the wand. I rub the oil…


    Art in Nature

    If we take the time to be still and open our eyes to everything around us, it’s amazing what we will find. I was on Samana Cay in the Bahamas and I was upset because it had been cloudy all day and we were unable to snorkel.   It’s crazy how we humans can be in paradise and still allow ugly feelings to start rising up in us because the day isn’t going as planned.   I remember being mad at the world as we landed on the island. I left my snorkel gear in the boat and stomped out of the water grumbling under my breath. Stop and Breathe My friend,…