• SURVIVAL & HEALING,  Uncategorized

    Horses and Chickens

    Sometimes life gets the best of us and stress takes over. I truly believe that laughter is good medicine.  If I find myself being bogged down with life I try to step back and notice life around me.  There just might be that brief moment where something funny can help get me back on track.  Here is a journal entry from years ago.    Friday, September 15, 2006 Just at the moment when I need something in my life to make me laugh…. I was having dinner with some friends last night on their farm in Prospect.  It’s a very beautiful part of town with a lot of land.  The whole…

  • CREATIVITY,  Uncategorized

    The Potter’s Wheel and Creativity

    I wrote a blog awhile back on missing my creativity and my clay work. I have gotten my tools back, I have purchased the clay and I have the longing to get back to my work. But I have no space to do this. I tried creating a little corner in the basement but it’s a basement! Okay, Shannon, use your creativity to imagine how this could work! Paint the walls a bright color, hang magazine photos that inspire! Open the box of clay and breathe in it’s earthy scent! DO IT! Today I watched a post on Facebook of an artist who was working on his wheel and an…