Messages From the Universe

Sitting down at the computer this morning, I was going to write a completely different post, but something happened today and I need to write it down so I don’t forget the feelings and the profound messages that have come to me. Sometimes I get these messages from the universe.

Life Has Ups and Downs

My life has been so happy! After two rocky, emotionally damaging marriages, I finally know who I am. I have been able to feel love, happiness and peace in my life! 

Learning to love myself was not easy but I have accomplished this and have learned how to take care of ME finally. I have been doing the work. I’ve healed the issues and hurdles that have presented themselves to me over the years.  I have started recreating my life and putting the past behind me.

I met a man who can be my partner and walk through life with me. He does not try to take my energy. When we disagree, we talk about it. But for the most part we laugh! My home can at times be filled with so many amazing people and relatives. This is finally the home I have always wanted! It has become a warm environment for children and ex spouses and grandchildren. Everyone is welcome and loved by both of us. For the first time in many years I feel my life is good and I am at peace. I have bragged about how we all get along and can all work through issues and remain close.

I have learned through spiritual readings that my soul chose this lifetime to heal karma. My soul chose this life and this family to work through some tough and painful issues in order to move forward. The past 59 years have had some pretty hard lessons that needed to be worked through and I have had some very gut wrenching heartaches to heal.

Getting Too Comfortable

Sometimes when we get too comfortable with life and the way things are, the Universe gently reminds us that there is still work to be done. It seems to be gently nudging me and sending my next challenges. These are proving to be slightly painful, but I am ready to do the work.

Family issues are never easy and recently something has happened that has caused friction in what I thought was happiness and a love-filled home.  We have not had the time to sit down and talk through the problems and I plan to do this soon. My children are my life and my soul hurts when they hurt.  What I have realized over the years is that this lifetime is so incredibly short and we need to address our problems before they turn into something that is much larger and harder to heal. 

All I can do is continue to offer it up to the universe and work on my own part of the problem, healing my own issues. Asking forgiveness and forgiving have been crucial in my healing over the years. Learning to forgive is a huge part of healing and creating a healthier future. And for my family members, hopefully that will come with time and we can move forward in a much happier way. I believe this all was meant to be in order to bring issues to the surface that haven’t been expressed before now. Some nudges from Universe aren’t so gentle! All we can do is acknowledge and do the work. 

Nudges From Beyond

I am also being given other gentle nudges from beyond. When we ask for help, it comes when we least expect it.

Not only has there been a sadness due to the family challenges but there has been a feeling that something has been missing in my life. My spiritual connections that have always been with me have hidden themselves deep within me. Life gets complicated and busy and sometimes I forget to sit in stillness and be in touch the spiritual part of myself.

Divorce and heartache and trying to create a new, healthier and happier life have pushed my spiritual beliefs as well as my art to the background.  I have needed to work on other areas of my life.  worked on. 

But now it’s time to reconnect with something that is important to me. The lack of spiritual connections and friendships causes an emptiness that I cannot even explain. 

So, here is what the Universe has been doing behind my back!

I was searching for something to read on the beach these past few weeks. An old book kept coming back into view and for the fifth time I am reading the book called Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, by Michael Newton, Ph.D. Each time I read it, there are subtle hints and lessons that seem to present themselves.

Lack of Spiritual Connection

I have been struggling with emotions and lack of spiritual connections recently. As I read my book, there were some thoughts that jumped off the page at me. The main one being that before reincarnating into a new life our soul connects to our soul family after death.  This soul family is the group of souls that we are connected to for all eternity. As Dr. Newton states, “These tightly knit clusters are often composed of like-minded souls with common objectives which they continually work out with each other. Usually they choose lives together as relatives and friends during their incarnations on Earth.”

We are here, helping push each other to newer levels of consciousness in order to heal the issues of the past. These spirits are there for us in this lifetime whenever we reach out and ask for help. An example would be during a phase in our life when we especially need support. Out of the blue someone will arrive in our life to help in some way or to offer advice. 

Not everyone believes this, and that’s okay. We each have our own belief systems and our own paths that each lead to the same place. This just happens to be my path. 

Ask and Help is Sent

So, I was meditating a few weeks ago and decided to ask for help. Whether it’s to Jesus, Buddha, guardian angels or Spirit Guides, we all have the ability to ask for help any time we need it. I reached out for guidance and then I let it go and trusted that I was heard.

Once I let it go, situations and people have been sent to me. I have been reconnecting with friends that I haven’t been around much lately. 

When I fear the aches of aging, a friend reappears who gives me the correct yoga stretches to perform in order to keep from hip replacements.

When my soul longs for some sort of spiritual healing or connection, an opportunity presents itself.

I was helping create an event around a spiritual Stupa that was built on our grounds. The event included people from my past that I used to meditate with at the Buddhist Center. Within seconds, my heart began to reconnect with these people, the sounds of chanting monks and the smell of incense. My soul was home! That’s the only way I can describe it. People I haven’t seen in years began approaching me. I knew at that very instant that they had been sent to me. They reminded me of the meditation at the center. I have been missed. I am ready to connect again to this spiritual part of my life. My soul family has nudged me.

If we ask for help, we need to be open to the signs around us and ready to recognize what is being sent. My heart is open and my soul feels the gift that is given to me. 


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