
Taking a Break

In my everyday, grownup life I have a full time job. I am an Event Planner. I love what I do even though I would rather be writing and doing my art full time. But a girl needs to pay the bills! So I go to work at 8am every week day and I write at night or weekends.  And am still trying to find time to slide my artwork creativity into the hours of the day. 

May is my absolute busiest time of the year at work. I am at a University and this is the month leading up to Commencement. 

Not only am I in charge of planning every detail of the graduation day plus the awards day the day before graduation, but I also take care of getting the students their Commencement tickets and help all other departments with their receptions and presentations.  This week has been three days of problem solving and finding creative solutions to these problems. I love it. It’s an adrenaline rush!  But sometimes I just need to take a moment. 

I have spent the past two days problem solving and running back and forth from one side of campus to the other – all day.  I have definitely reached my goals logging my steps in. There are moments when I need to stop thinking and just take a walk to regroup. 

I am taking a rest from writing and at the end of my days will be sitting with my feet propped and my wine in hand. 

And the week after Commencement I will be in the beach for 8 days. 

So if any of you miss me or wonder where I’ve been, I will return.

Until then…… CHEERS!



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