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Sailing Through Paradise

Calming waters, sails blowing in the wind, beautiful scenery and the most amazing staff we have ever met accompanied us on our Windstar cruise through paradise. Just breathing in the sea air was music to my soul! We were finally sailing through paradise.

Beginning Our Year with Wind Surf

Roger and I decided that we would ease into our 60th year of life with an amazing trip to the British Virgin Islands. We sailed on the Wind Surf, which is a small luxury sailing yacht, holding only approximately 300 passengers. First, I must say that I would definitely take this cruise again. The experience was one we could never forget.

Exploring the Ship before it departed port

The Sails

We chose this cruise because it was smaller (only 300 guests) and because of the sails. Roger has always wanted to go out on a sailboat. This is the combination of a luxury yacht and sail ship. It is an absolutely stunning vessel.

My first glimpse of the ship (part cruise ship, part yacht) as we walked across the port caused me to gasp. It looked as though it was being swallowed up by the two enormous cruise ships on either side of it. At first we could only see the tops of her masts towering above the two floating cities that she sat between.

First Glimpse Took My Breath Away

But as the full ship came into view it took my breath away. This was what we had been planning for and reading about for almost a year. We were finally standing next to this amazing vessel. And we would be seeing the signature ‘sail away’ that very night as the computerized sails were raised to music and a champagne toast.

Our beautiful ship before departure.

The Staff and Cabins

This was my first cruise and I was told that I was starting with the best. I now know why. I felt as though we were pampered and taken care of the entire trip. The staff knew our names after only a day. We could be walking down the hall and would hear someone yell, “Good morning Roger and Shannon”. This crew was amazing. They became family.

No matter where we walked on the ship, there was someone mentioning our names or telling us which cabin number we were in before we could mention it. I will never know how they remembered details like that but I was very impressed.

Treated Like Royalty

Never have I been one to enjoy first class treatment or pampering, but I had to get used to it on this cruise. It was amazing. We had our beds turned down every night with two pieces of chocolate, fresh fruit and a vase with a tropical flower sitting on the table. They upgraded us to a suite on deck 3 and it was perfection. It had a sitting area and two bathrooms as well as a closet for each of us. I would have loved to have lounged in the room for a bit of time but there was too much to see on the upper decks to spend much time in our cabin.

Exploring the Ship

It was an amazing experience roaming the ship and trying to find our way around. Every turn we took amazed us.

The Lounge area on the main deck

The Lounge on the main deck was used for our check in as well as evening entertainment and relaxation during the day. And it was where we received our welcome rum punch upon arrival.

Our welcome Rum Punch
Room 311 tour
The Pool Bar below on the and upstairs is Compass Rose Bar on the Bridge Deck
Our pool and pool bar for the week

I have more photos than I know what to do with. It’s hard for me to choose which ones to post!

Our Sail away

Never a Boring Moment

We not only had an amazing cabin suite and beautiful views from every side of the ship, but if we had enough relaxation, there was always something going on with the crew to entertain us.

One evening we were treated to a deck barbecue. The food and the atmosphere were fantastic but the nice addition was the staff entertainment afterwards.

The dinner under the stars at the Candles restaurant was romantic and very special. We sipped our wine and enjoyed a very nice dinner while listening to the sails blowing in the breeze.

And Here’s Our Talented Crew Members!

The Deck BBQ Entertainment by Officers & Crew

Enough About The Ship

I could go on and on writing about how amazing this ship and it’s crew are, but instead I will continue on the next page describing the sights we saw while on the 7 day Yachtsman’s Voyage through the British Virgin Islands.

MORE TO COME………………………………. CLICK HERE to read about our Island Adventures

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