Great Book Suggestions
This isn’t a post about current top ten books or the best new books on the shelves. It’s about things I have read in the past that helped me in some way, whether it was to transform me to another place and help me forget the problems I was having in real life, or to help me get through those real life issues, or to just be entertained. There are a few books from my past summer reads that really helped me with my self worth and my female empowerment as well as during my spiritual searching. A few of them were so powerful that I long to read them every time I go to the beach. I’ve had to force myself to find something new to read. I want to share a few of the best with you.
One of these was A Pearl in The Storm, written by Tori Murden McClure, the President of Spalding University (where I work). I took this one to the beach with me the summer it came out. I could NOT put it down. It was an amazing book about a voyage of self discovery. I have taken this to the beach with me many times. I can read her journey and take a few minutes to stare into the vast ocean in front of me, wondering what this would have been like.
Another great beach read is A Gift From the Sea. It is short and easy to read but it is also very empowering. I read this the summer that I was searching to find a way to walk out of a bad marriage. It helped reassure me that I was not alone and that my journey to feel whole was real.
For those who are searching for spiritual answers, A Journey of Souls is amazing. It’s one that I have read over and over, especially when I just need to feel that there is the POSSIBILITY that there is something other than what I can physically see.
Then of course comes Big Magic. That is the most recent book on my shelf. I actually finished that one while soaking in the tub one cold Sunday afternoon. The next day I went to the local clay store and loaded up on my art supplies!
Puzzles are a great pastime while waiting for spring! Here is our latest purchase. Can’t wait to start it.
A Pearl in the Storm / A Gift From The Sea / Journey of Souls/ Big Magic
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